eTwinning offers a platform for teachers, who work in a school in one of the European countries involved, to communicate, collaborate, develop projects, and share ideas and resources, with teachers from other schools around Europe who are also involved in eTwinning. This exciting learning community also offers Continuous Professional Development, both online and face-to-face. eTwinning is co-funded by the Erasmus+, the European programme for Education, Training, Youth and Sport.
If you work with young people in an educational setting, then visit:
to register.
The eTwinning Weeks 2019 has encouraged eTwinners to learn about Democratic Participation, meet other colleagues and set up quality projects around this theme. On Saturday 12th October 2019, there was a full day Online Seminar around the theme of Democratic Participation.
As moderator of the eTwinning Featured Group, 'On s'amuse en Classe FLE' (French as a second language), I had a ten-minute slot in the afternoon when I could promote my group and share an idea or resource based on the theme of Democratic Participation. I chose to share a couple of resources that I had created using photographs taken in two French towns, Cherbourg and Ouistreham. These type of resources could be created by students with photos taken in their own town or city and would enable student participation in teaching and learning as well as encourage an interest in cultural heritage. This idea could be used in humanities lessons, as well as MFL. The resources could also be shared across curriculum subjects and as part of an eTwinning project.
Here is my presentation: